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Re.school Bites
Event image 'Cómo revertir el abandono escolar'

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24 March 2021 Watch webinar

Event in Spanish

Cómo revertir el abandono escolar

Drawing an action plan from schools and high schools


  • Ensuring an efficient scholarship system
  • Make the education system more flexible
  • Promote, and give prestige to, Professional Development
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  • Francisco Luna

    Francisco Luna President of FEAE Euskadi, Spain

  • Rosa Amorós

    Rosa Amorós Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain

  • Andrea Henry

    Andrea Henry President of CANAE, Spain

Event summary

97% of those attending the symposium consider that school dropout should be a priority for governments and 52% point to the socio-economic situation as its main cause.

The three speakers analyse the weaknesses of the Spanish educational system -the country with the highest rate of early school leaving in the EU- and map out a guide to prevent and combat school dropout through local initiatives and success strategies. The event includes the students' vision, who present their proposals and demands related to the problem.

How to generate academic success

The experts propose several fundamental pillars to take into account to reduce the number of students leaving school early: the scholarship system, the curriculum, the training of teachers both initial and ongoing, the importance of Professional Development, flexibility and variety for subject options, emotional education, student guidance and counselling, integration mechanisms and school failure prevention.

During the event, the experts share the success stories of the Basque Country, the autonomous community with the lowest dropout rate, and Alt Pirineu i Aran, with several pilot projects for the inclusion and integration of young people.

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  • Francisco Luna

    Francisco Luna

    President of FEAE Euskadi, Spain

    Secondary school teacher. Former director of the Basque Institute of Evaluation and Research in Education (ISEI-IVEI). Member of the research group Abjoves on Early School Leaving. President of FEAE (Forum Europeo de Administradores de la Educación) Euskadi and member of the State School Council.

  • Rosa Amorós

    Rosa Amorós

    Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain

    Teacher and politician. Territorial delegate of the Catalan Government to l’Alt Pirineu i Aran and mayor of Isona i Conca Dellà. She was a teacher trainer in educational methodology, programming and evaluation at the Institut de Ciències de l'Educació of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).

  • Andrea Henry

    Andrea Henry

    President of CANAE, Spain

    Psychology student at the Universitat de València and president of the  Spanish Confederation of Student Councils (CANAE), with  participation in the State School Council, the Spanish Youth Council, the Spanish Children’s Rights Coalition and the OBESSU.

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