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12 May 2021 Watch webinar
Outstanding literacy resources
How to select resources that make a difference
- Linguistic competence, a shared responsibility
- Increasing self-confidence through reading success
- We need a world of communicators

Event summary
The main challenges in terms of literacy skills according to attendees are the low level of reading comprehension and the fact that few students read for pleasure.
Four experts in digital literacy tools reflect on the lack of basic literacy skills of children and young people. They share pedagogical strategies to encourage students to be proficient in the use of the language and analyse how technology helps in this process.
To improve literacy skills, the promotion of reading is essential. In this sense, the speakers point out some key aspects, such as choosing the right type of book according to the students’ reading level and interests, reading aloud and encouraging the students’ self-confidence regarding their abilities and literacy skills. Likewise, working on literacy in a transversal and integrated way in all subjects is essential.
During the event, speakers also discussed educational technology, the possibilities offered by different literacy resources, and the criteria which must be taken into account when choosing one or the other, depending on the teacher’s needs, methodology, and students.
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John Moore
Accelerated Reader, UK
John has worked in EdTech for over 21 years, initially with Bromcom Computers Plc and, since 2006, with Renaissance Learning first as Sales Director and now Managing Director for the UK and Australia.
Kevin Baird
Achieve 3000, US
Kevin chairs the Center for College & Career Readiness, is the Chief Academic Officer at Achieve3000, and serves on the Board of NABU, partnering with the UN to improve global literacy.
Cristina Puig
Fiction Express, Spain/UK
Serial entrepreneur in Edtech, co-founder and COO at Fiction Express. Strong believer that overcoming weak literacy skills is the basis to improve learning outcomes.
Patrick McGrath
Texthelp, UK
Educator, speaker, blogger, podcaster and Head of Education Strategy at Texthelp. Patrick focuses on ensuring that technology has a positive, meaningful and sustainable impact on teaching & learning.
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